Thursday, December 22, 2011

Please help me with my Green Iguana!?

My Green Iguana has not been eating, nor drinking, and therefore not defecating. It keeps trying to wedge itself into dark places where it cannot fit, and incessantly claws at the walls, doors, dressers, etc. It will bask for a little while, then try and find a dark spot, gets to one and claws away, then returns to basking. All of its claws are gone from it ripping them out by clawing on things, and the spots left over bleed occasionally. None of the nail beds are infected as far as I know, and if I notice one actively bleeding, I will put flour on the wound and apply pressure until the bleeding stops. I have a UV light, a heat lamp above the baskin, have been feeding a staple of collard greens with random other veggies and fruits to no avail. When it was eating, I would spray the food with calcium/vitamin D supplements. The ig is a little more than a year old, and has free reign of my bedroom now, so I don't think it is a cage issue. I've been trying everything I've read about, and can think of and I cannot get my ig to eat or drink. I have noticed on more than one occasion that it has eaten hair it finds on the floor. Could this be causing/compounding the issue? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.


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